Jašterička / Lizard

V šere chabého osvetlenia a blikajúcich klubových svetielok pôsobila jej vážna tvár až odstrašujúco nudne. Serióznu ochrannú masku zodpovednosti zotreli dva poháre whisky. A jeho gin tonik v ústach.

Škúlila naňho spoza stola už keď sa jej jeho kamaráti lepili na stoličku s historkami o svojom slovinskom pôvode. Žiadne postranné ani priame úmysly, čisté vizuálne opojenie. Vyzeral tak osudovo. Akoby jej mal pár sekundami zmeniť život. Tá pár metrová vzdialenosť medzi nimi sa jej zdala priepastná, nespustila z neho oči. “poď sem” hypnotizovala pohľadom, kým ten jeho absolútne nezainteresovane dekódoval písmenká na displeji telefónu.

Opité bľabotanie si nikto z nich nepamätal. Ten pohľad, dlane vo vlasoch, na tvári – koľko si ich už vyšticoval? Bránila sa ako jašterička pred zvedavými detskými dlaňami na klzkých kameňoch. Vyhrievala sa blažene na slniečku pozornosti, zľahka nedotklivá, chladná a nehmatateľná, akože nad vecou. Až kým jej nezablokoval únikové východy.

Jej chvostík mu v rukách ostal dodnes. Bohvie, kam ho zahodil.


In the gloom of poor lightning and flashing club lights must had her face seem intimidatingly boring. This serious mask designed for protection and responsible actions was scraped after two shots of whiskey. And a gin tonic taste in his mouth.

She squinted after him since his friends started to glue to her chair with their bulshit stories about Slovenian origin. No direct or lateral motives, it was clear visual love jag. He looked so fatally. As if he was about to change her life in few seconds.  This few meters long distance between them felt like abysmal, she couldn´t take her eyes off him. “come here” she hypnotized him with her gaze, while he was absolutely disinterested in decoding the letters on display of his phone.

None of them remembered that drunk babbling. The look, the palm of his hand in her hair, on her face –  to how many have you pulled hair like this? She defended herself as a little lizard, trying to escape from curious children palms on slippery stones. She enjoyed the heat and the bliss of attention, being slightly impalpable, cold and untouchable, supposed to be on top of the things. Until he blocked her all exit paths.

Her tail remained in his hands still. God knows, where and when he threw it away.


Mávam poruchy sústredenia, slabú pamäť a vôbec nestojím nohami na zemi.

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