Instant Crush: Shia “Le Buff”

Stala sa mi taká vec. Nejako som sa zase zabudla v ničnerobení. Ak náhodou nepracujem na niečom prudko praktickom, ulietavam si v predstavách , ktoré sú tak pritiahnuté za vlasy, až ma to šticuje. Milujem pozerať sa na pekných ľudí a ešte pritom rada zďaleka mávam realite. Mám tendenciu vypozerať z obrázkov farbu, ak sa mi objekt viac ako páči. Myslím, že s touto úchylkou sa dá bojovať iba tak, že sa o ňu úprimne podelím.

Keďže som vizuálne veľmi prelietavá, mávam instant crush na kadekoho, často sa to vymyká môjmu zdravému vkusu. Posledných pár dní a týždňov ma máta Shia “Le Buff” LaBeouf. Odkedy som ho identifikovala v Elastic Heart klipe, som z neho úplne unesená a udržiavam pravidelný očný kontakt s momentmi zachytenými na fotografiách. Nehovorím o tom, že spomínaným klipom začínam každé ráno a v rebríčkoch hranosti konkurujem miestnym rádiám. Samozrejme som si o mladom mužovi aj niečo naštudovala, lebo veď čo keď ho stretnem niekde na ulici (neverili by ste, ale aj také veci sú možné), ale neviem, či by som niekomu touto faktografiou nepokazila ilúzie. Shia je proste, no, svojský. A ja som z neho aj tak paf.

Fotografie nafotil Craig McDean pre časopis Interview a ja som si ich požičala z Pinterestu.


Something happened to me. Again I´m keeping myself in the state of doing nothing. If I´m not currently working on something strictly practical, I enjoy trips to my fantasy land. Honestly, some of my imaginations have nothing in common with “down to earth” term. I love to look at handsome people and at the same time I like to take off from reality. I tend to look at the pictures so often and for so long, that the colors are fading out. I think this strange deviation of mine can be healed only by sharing it with the entire universe.

Since I´m very visually giddily, I´m used to have instant crush on almost everybody, often it is spiraling out of my good taste. Last couple of days and weeks I´m “out of the order” from Shia LaBeouf. Since I have identified him in Elastic Heart clip, I´m totally in love with him and I keep the eye contact with pictures of him on the pretty regular basis. Not to mention, that I start each single day with the clip. Of course I have googled something about this young man, because you never know, when you can meet him on the street (yes this is very possible), but I´m not sure, if you want to read it, since it may ruin all of your romantic imaginations. He is not only THAT actor, Shia is simply, very specific person. Google it. I have a crush on him now anyway.

Pictures were taken by photographer Craig McDean for Interview and I have borrowed them from Pinterest.














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